Courtney Kelly’s Insights on: Here’s How Many Americans Say They Don’t Carry Cash – FreedomPay
Posted 2 juillet 2017 by FreedomPay

Courtney Kelly’s Insights on: Here’s How Many Americans Say They Don’t Carry Cash

Les détaillants et les restaurants, qu’il s’agisse de commerçants en ligne ou de commerçants physiques, vont devoir s’adapter pour répondre aux besoins des consommateurs qui ne règlent pas en espèces. With the expectation to deliver a seamless and unobtrusive payment experience, providing an omnichannel platform for consumers to pay how they want and when they want is an absolute must. Enabling this type of technology will allow for increased revenue and a flawless consumer experience. With an increase in the cashless shopper, merchants need a payment gateway that is providing the highest level of security but more so one that is consistently developing features that exceeds the demand of consumer trends.

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